The Humanity Stoked Documentary is an exploration into the challenges of moving humanity forward, as seen through the eyes of the world’s most iconic professional skaters, activists, scientists, artists, musicians, and educators, all of whom share unique experiences and perspectives shaped by their love of skateboarding.  

Humanity Stoked features a multitude of world-renowned skateboarders and other life-long skaters that are also scientists, artists, musicians, politicians, activists, philanthropists and educators. While many of the subjects are known for their skateboarding prowess and are leaders in their respective fields, the film focuses on what we can learn from their unique experiences and surprising insights. Their perspectives on the many social, environmental, and political issues that face humanity have been shaped by their life-long love of skateboarding.

The film reveals ways in which we can peacefully, openly, and intelligently advance humanity into the future. The conversations focus on issues such as human rights, LGBTQ rights, racial equality, what we teach children about fear, environmental protection, giving back, the value of science, art and music in education and to society, drug addiction and recovery, mental health, and more. The documentary’s purpose is to encourage deeper thought and new perspectives, and to inspire people to think more empathetically and profoundly about the world around them.

Humanity Stoked was produced entirely for FREE. The film’s Producer/Director, and life-long skater, Michael Ien Cohen, and his entire crew have refused all salary. As result, 100% of the revenue is being donated to charity to affect positive and long-lasting change in the lives of children and young adults, specifically in low socioeconomic areas.

This film is a mission of love and everyone involved is in it to inspire positive change in the world.

Visit to see the full cast and trailers and get more information. You can also find us on IMDB at Follow us on Instrgram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and TikTiok  @HumanityStoked.